Community Challenge

Elizabeth Neufeldt
1 min readJan 26, 2021


Problem: Obesity in Hawaii

Knowledge: Nutritionist, comprehensive weight management program(Queens), ans Hawaii Initiative for chikdhood obesity researcg and education(Kapiolani)

Solution: Revamping Midpacifics school lunch program

Plan: My plan is to first gain as much knowledge on this topic as possible and contact my “tier 1” stakeholders. These immediate stakeholders, my friends and parents, will help me get other people’s opinion on the issue and spark interest. Next I will start contacting nutritionists and different weight management programs to collect information and facts. Once I have that solid base down I will move onto phase two: connecting with Sodexo to get the menu of Mid-Pacific lunches and gauge community interest by sending out a google form to parents and students. Using the data I have collected from both nutritionists and the Mid-Pacific community, I will start to revamp the school lunch menu to make it more nutritious and profitable to Sodexo.

Possible Connections:

  • Paris’s protein cookies
  • Different food banks for left over foods
  • Worm bin and creating a Vermacast business

